Some days I feel like the old fart that I am who’s just trying to get from one day to the next. Occasionally I manage to learn something new. Actually, most days something new creeps into my noggin as every day that I wake on this side of the (soon to be here) daisies is a revelation in itself. But I digress. Yesterday I wrote a blog that entertained the ludicrous notion of the United States becoming the 11th province of Canada which is about as ridiculous an idea as Canada becoming our 51st state. We all know that’s destined to be Puerto Rico and we all know how long they’ve been waiting.
I came to realize the impossibility of the U.S. joining our Canuck neighbors because AI (Artificial Intelligence) told me so. In writing my blog I thought how nice it would be to use AI to generate an image of a poster showing the U.S. of A as a province and… it couldn’t do it. I tried several of the AI Image Generation sites available on the internet and not one could come up with something that wasn’t almost complete gibberish. And trust me, as some readers of this blog insist on telling me, I am a master of gibberish. In my mind’s eye I envisioned something pretty simple and straightforward - take out the boundaries between the two countries, eliminate the lines between the states, and redraw the now eleven provinces southwards to show Canada’s newest pride and joy. AI couldn’t do it. No matter how detailed or simple the instructions (“Generate a poster showing the United States as Canada’s 11th province”) the results were about as ludicrous as the idea itself.
The first image (shown at the right) shows… I know not what. California seems to still exist but the Gulf of MEXICO appears to extend a lot farther north than it should. Perhaps it’s now the Gulf of Canada…I’m not sure what the color scheme means. Gone (phew!) are all those pesky Red and Blue states and it does show off the Red that Canada is famous for but the gradations of browns and tans… if you can figure them out please let me know.
The next iteration basically came up with a map of the U.S. and completely eliminated Canada from the scene, though that Red color still predominates. And for everybody past, in the soon to be decimated U.S. Education system, the 12th grade it is painfully obvious that AI cannot spell. Or maybe, in its hidden brain it’s translating into some foreign language that MY pea brain doesn’t understand. I think that thing in the “Heartland” might be supposed to be the Canadian Maple Leaf but I wouldn’t know for sure as I’m more familiar with the much more spectacular Colorado Aspen. Still, the Gulf of Mexico has returned to where it should be which is nice as it means all those ICE officers won’t have to invest in new warm, wooly mittens.
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