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Friday, July 22, 2016

The Alaska Highway?

I know that it was America that built the Alaska Highway during WW2 due to the Japanese threat of attacking and invading through the Aleutian Islands and Alaska. And Lord knows hundreds if not thousands of Americans just like me make the trek along its length on our way to the 49th state. However, the title "Alaska Highway" is something of a misnomer. Perhaps it's obvious to you, but it wasn't to me, that 3/4's of the Alaska Highway is actually in Canada. Only a couple of hundred miles from the border to Delta Junction are in Alaska. So folks taking a vacation driving to Alaska are actually taking a Canadian trip. The only reason I'm pointing any of this out is to acknowledge how beautiful this part of Canada is and how worth the time it is to take your time driving to Alaska and really enjoying the Canadian part rather than rushing through it. Just sayin', eh?


  1. Well maybe they thought "Alaskan Highway" had more allure to it than "Canadian Highway", which could go many other places, who knows?

  2. Fun times, great scenery, lakes and rivers are amazing! A highway like no other:)
