
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

How are those muscles?

O.K. already. My apologies to the weather Gods. I'd burn my snow shovel as a sacrifice but this being March I don't think I'm quite done with it.

How many times did you have to shovel? If you're one of those with a snow blower how many times did you have to clear the clogged chute of that wet, heavy snow that acted more like building material - concrete comes to mind - than the heavenly light and fluffy powder that Colorado is famous for.

It being Tuesday here's hoping all those folks who got stranded in their cars in the wilds of E-470 and Pena Boulevard have all been rescued. And here's hoping that all those in line at the Subway sandwich shop at DIA finally got fed since it apparently was the only fine dining option available for stranded travelers at the height of the fourth largest storm in Denver history. Welcome to Colorado folks. And finally to all those in Northern Colorado who lost power (a.K.A. HEAT) during the storm, Welcome to Texas.

Me and mine spent our time huddling in front of the fire (a real wood-burning fire mind you, not one of those natural gas look-a-likes without the heat courtesy of Public Service). Even our Suburban Huskies joined us on the couch rather than partake of the normal Husky habit of curling up like a ball and getting buried under a nice insulating blanket of snow. Oh well, more's the merrier. Getting them off the couch to go out and help shovel snow was more problematic. Maybe they're a wee bit spoiled by overindulgent doggie parents.

But boy, how about when the flakes stopped falling and the sun came out? There's no bluer sky anywhere like in Colorado after a storm passes. And you can tell it's finally Spring because the temps rebounded, the snow has started melting, and a Jefferson County plow actually made an appearance on our street. I'm truly thankful, as are all of my neighbors, for your fine and most effective efforts to move all the snow we had just shoveled back into our driveways. But then it's our own fault as we really didn't know you were coming since we hadn't seen you since, like, last March.

Anyway, it really was beautiful after the storm so I've put together some of my favorite images  in the video below. So put down that shovel, curl up on the couch with your favorite pet, and enjoy. This being March and this being Colorado the odds are we'll get to experience the wonders of Snowmagedon again real soon...

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