
Tuesday, March 24, 2020


I’m feeling a little disconnected right now. Topsy Turvy doesn’t begin to describe the surreal situation we find ourselves in. Olympics postponed, Denver issuing a stay at home order (except for essential trips to places like grocery stores, medical services, the airport, and of course those twin staples of life in Colorado - liquor stores and marijuana shops), and our President saying the cure must not be worse than the problem as he considers “reopening” the country in the next week or two because the effect on the economy has been too severe. This despite warnings from senior health officials that the U.S. has not yet felt the worst of the pandemic.

Who’s right? The doomsday folks who think we’re in for a prolonged period of coping with Covid, or the President who seems to think, in his heart of hearts, that this is all much ado about nothing. He could be right; stranger things have happened, but it strains credulity to think that by mid-April we’ll be back to normal (whatever that means). If you’re an employer who’s just sent people home to work, or worse yet laid them off, are you going to feel comfortable resuming normal operations in the next two weeks? As an employee, are you comfortable returning to the office? I mean, who’s gonna take your spot in line at 6 a.m. as you wait for your 1 in a 1000 chance of scoring a roll of toilet paper at your neighborhood Walmart? And who’s going to watch the kiddos if the nation’s schools don’t reopen according to the schedule Mr. Trump has in mind?

Like I said, disconnected. I occasionally watch Governor Polis’s news conferences as he updates what efforts the State of Colorado is taking to combat Corona. You may or may not have voted for him but thus far he seems to be erring on the side of caution. As are most of the nation’s Governors in the absence of any real Federal leadership.

The thing is, I hope the President is right. I’m generally an optimist at heart but still believe in hoping for the best but being prepared for the worst. The next couple of weeks will tell. Stay tuned!

“I would my horse had the speed of your tongue”  Benedick Act 1 Scene 1 Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare

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