Life is a journey, not always happy or sad but always interesting. Join me as we travel the winding road via this blog, on YouTube (, and on Instagram (@davidmabry).
Saturday, June 30, 2018
A little of this, a lot of that to start the trip
I’m writing this post from beautiful Buffalo, Wyoming where they don’t call the wind wind but rather natural enthusiasm. And there’s a whole lot of natural enthusiasm in these here parts. And also a whole lot of pouring rain. Went for a bike ride this morning up Crazy Woman Canyon and got chased out of the Bighorns by hail and then by what can only be characterized as a wall of water descending out of the lead colored skies. Oh, and let’s not forget the lightning that was close enough that you heard the crackle before the bang. It was truly biblical and a fitting start to a trip that will hopefully see us in Jasper, Canada inside of a week. That is if our good friends to the north are in an accommodating mood and still allowing Americans to cross the border, notwithstanding the nasty battle over tariffs and such.
Oh well, the road that beckons always throws something new at us. Just a couple of days ago I was doing some drywall work up near Leadville and complaining about how hot and dry it was at 10,000 feet. I did get a chance to spend some time in the mining district above the town and here’s some of what I saw...
Right now I could go with some blue Colorado skies and some warm, or at least warmer, temps. I have a feeling that as we head further north the sweatshirts may make an appearance but who knows... only time will tell!
Enjoy the trip,we just got back from our road trip through Wyoming, Montana and Canada took the Alcan to Fairbanks Alaska.I look forward to seeing your blog,hopefully we can get together up in Leadville
Enjoy the trip,we just got back from our road trip through Wyoming, Montana and Canada took the Alcan to Fairbanks Alaska.I look forward to seeing your blog,hopefully we can get together up in Leadville