This morning I was up before the crack of dawn in order to, well, film the crack of dawn. Dawn and dusk are known as the golden hours for photographers and the desert offers its own perspective on that. When I'm freezing back home wondering what happened to Spring (it is almost April after all), the desert at dawn and dusk is what I'll most cherish from this trip. For those still enjoying the winter wonders of late March here's a quick glimpse of what you've been missing...
Life is a journey, not always happy or sad but always interesting. Join me as we travel the winding road via this blog, on YouTube (, and on Instagram (@davidmabry).
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
One more for the road
Tomorrow I'll be leaving my oasis in the desert to head home to, what I'm hearing is, snowy Colorado. Just when the local Phoenix radio stations are forecasting the first 90 degree temps of the year. Oh well... Last year we had 90's and 100's during Spring Training but as I've mentioned in recent blogs this year's Spring has been a little cool down here in the desert Southwest.
This morning I was up before the crack of dawn in order to, well, film the crack of dawn. Dawn and dusk are known as the golden hours for photographers and the desert offers its own perspective on that. When I'm freezing back home wondering what happened to Spring (it is almost April after all), the desert at dawn and dusk is what I'll most cherish from this trip. For those still enjoying the winter wonders of late March here's a quick glimpse of what you've been missing...
This morning I was up before the crack of dawn in order to, well, film the crack of dawn. Dawn and dusk are known as the golden hours for photographers and the desert offers its own perspective on that. When I'm freezing back home wondering what happened to Spring (it is almost April after all), the desert at dawn and dusk is what I'll most cherish from this trip. For those still enjoying the winter wonders of late March here's a quick glimpse of what you've been missing...
You captured such beautiful landscape and clouds! I have really enjoyed your blog and your articles! Welcome back to Colorado! Hope to see you soon!
ReplyDeleteFor us Larks, the BEST time of trip back!
ReplyDeleteIt was another great season buddy. I'm so glad we worked together again and were able to take a great side trip to Jerome. I'm now up here in Des Moines snowed in waiting for warmer weather so the theme park can open. Hope all is well. 😁😁