
Sunday, March 25, 2018

A march of a different kind

Yesterday saw High School students from around the country and around the globe march in protest of gun violence. Regardless of where you stand on this issue I think everyone might concede how sad it is that High Schoolers actually have to take to the streets of America because they no longer feel safe in school. My wife graduated from Columbine several years prior to the shootings there and I can remember marching with several thousand others afterwards in honor of the victims. Back then we were naive enough to think ‘never again’ yet school shootings have reached a crescendo where they happen on almost a monthly basis. I applaud the High Schoolers for actively trying to change things for the better but fear that the lesson they may learn is that politics - scratch that - politicians -really do follow the money and that the powers that be in this country are willing, as is apparent through their actions, or more precisely, inactions, to bear the sacrifice of dead young people on the altar of gun rights.

Another type of walk was occurring yesterday at the same time the High Schoolers were taking their literal and figurative steps towards positive change. This one involved young people as well but was in a far happier vein. Surprise Stadium brought in hundreds of Little Leaguers to be recognized before the assembled baseball faithful in celebration of these kids simple love of the game they play. From kids as young as 5 and 6 years old on up they marched in, eyes gawking at the crowded stadium. One can only imagine what a thrill it had to be for the kids as they took in their surroundings. For most it was their one chance to be on a Major League field actually dressed to play ball. It was especially cool when some of the Major Leaguers  came out of the dugouts to spontaneouly high five the kids. Too soon they will grow up and follow in the footsteps of their High School brethren as they move on from innocent pursuit of games to  the necessities of a world where people will try to kill them as they simply sit in a classroom.

May they enjoy their innocence for as long as they can.

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